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I totally agree with that accusation. Car adverts are a clear example of how old habits die hard. Cars are for men, lifting cream are for women.

As an example of what I mean is that I have never ever seen an advert where a woman gives a man a lift on a Ferrari. It is always the other way round. Women are like flower pots on cars are on lots of other places.

It's going to take a long time before we can change that image. At least, as long as the change of sex of those people in command of the advert agencies.

I agree with Claire about the slow change and increased subtlety. But we are still victims of previous stereotypes.

3 comentarios

Jordan Flight 45 -

As you say, good individuals with training for all-around growth is a perfect blend. Now people are almost cannot resist the temptation from wealth. They achieve cash through diverse methods. I'm so unhappy to view that.


Hello Cris, this is Claire, your partner at the back of the classroom.
I've read your composition and I do agree with your outlook. However, I would like to be a little more optimistic.
I think we are changing much faster than we think.
Hope so, anyway.
See you back at school.

Profesor: Alfonso -

I can see you've got strong clear opinions on the issue. Congratulations on your composition. I like the clear cut, straight-forward style. You deserve a high mark: 9/10.
Keep on working.